Opto-acoplador CNY17-2
  • Opto-acoplador CNY17-2
  • Opto-acoplador CNY17-2

Opto-acoplador CNY17-2

Sku: GAV0033_1

NCM: 0085.42.3

Categoria: Circuito IntegradoComponentes

Marca: Importado

Quantidade Disponivel: 15 un

Unidade: un

Por R$ 3,20

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Frete e Prazo

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Descrição do Produto


Ambient Temperature Range <110°C
Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage 70V
Collector Emitter Saturation Voltage 400mV
Collector Emitter Voltage (VCEO) 70V
Current 1A
Current Transfer Ratio 125%
Fall Time 14µs
Forward Current 60mA
Forward Voltage 1.39V
Input Current 60mA
Isolation Voltage 5.3kV
Max Collector Current 100mA
Number of Channels 1
Number of Elements 1
Operating Temperature -55°C — 100°C
Output Current per Channel 100mA
Output Type Phototransistor
Output Voltage 70V
Power Dissipation 150mW
Reverse Breakdown Voltage 6V
Reverse Voltage 6V
Rise Time 3µs
Turn-Off Delay Time 23µs
Turn-On Delay Time 4.2µs
Voltage 70V
Voltage Rating (DC) 32V
Informações do Produto

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